Written and illustrated by Ruth Chew.
First published in
1972 by Scholastic Book Services.
Reading Level
Sprache Readibility Formula: Readibility Level Grade 2.1. Ages 7-10.
All around was a strange green glow. Mike stared hard at the trees growing upside down. "You're right, Jen," he said. "They're not branches at all. They're roots. We must be under the ground!" There is magic in the park!
Jen Mace and her new friend Mike Stewart find magical adventures in Prospect Park.
My Summary
It is winter, and Jennifer Mace is new to Brooklyn. She visits Prospect Park and meets an old man who feeds the birds, a raven named Napoleon, and a boy named Michael Stewart. Jen and Michael explore a magic island in the lake that turns into an underground tunnel, and a magic tree that temporarily turns them into pigeons. In the spring, Jen gets a bike for her birthday, but a mean boy named Steve tries to steal it. Mike helps her get it back, but almost gets stuck as a pigeon!
Main Characters
Jennifer Mace and Mike Stewart (two friends)
Other Characters
Mrs. Mace, Mrs. Craig (Mike's grandmother), Napoleon (a raven), Steve (a mean kid)
Places Mentioned
Brooklyn, Ocean Parkway, Prospect Park, Carbondale
magic, bird man, magic tree, birds, pigeons, squirrels, turning into animals, flying, raven, seagulls, robins, ducks, American Revolution, island, sledding, biking
To Eve, who is afraid of the park.
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