New copies of The Witch at the Window and The Would-Be Witch

Here I’m posting photos of the new September 2014 reissues The Witch at the Window and The Would-Be Witch, two great witch books for Halloween!

Paperbacks (ISBNS 9780449815663 and 9780449815700):
ruth-chew-paperbacks-sep-2014-front ruth-chew-paperbacks-sep-2014-back

ruth-chew-hardcovers-sep-2014-front ruth-chew-hardcovers-sep-2014-back

The Witch at the Window (ISBN 9780449815632):
the-witch-at-the-window-front the-witch-at-the-window-back

The Would-Be Witch (ISBN 9780449815670):
the-would-be-witch-front the-would-be-witch-back

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